Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mac, you will be missed.

I blogged a little while back about my sisters dogs, Mac and Roxy. I consider them my niece and nephew. Anyone who has dogs knows what a huge roll they play in families. Unfortunately, my sister and her husband had to get rid of Mac. He was abused before they adopted him, and unfortunately isn't over it yet. He needs a family where he is the only dog, and has someone who can pay tons of attention to only him. It breaks my heart, but they definitely did what was right.

Mac, I pray that you find your forever home soon. I know you will! You are SUCH a sweet, loving, and fluffy pup! I'm going to miss cuddling you, taking a million photos of you, and the way your top lip curls up on one side. I know you're going to be happy, and that's all that we could ask for! I love you so much.

I put together a slideshow of some images of Mac. The song is Anthroarcheology by Jeff Pianki.

Mac from emma leigh on Vimeo.

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