Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

Hello Sweethearts!
I hope you have had a greeeeeat weekend, and are looking forward to starting the week off right!
I'm a fan of Valentines day, even if I don't have a real Valentine. Why spend the day being bitter?
 Buy yourself a gift, buy something for your best friend, or make cupcakes for your coworkers! 
(I've done all three this year!) It's a special day, so show someone that you care! 
You never know, it might make their week.

Here's some of my recent favorite pretty things!
{cupcakes I made! dark chocolate cake, filled with homemade dulche de leche,
 topped with buttercream and a chocolate heart! yuuuuuum!}

And a playlist :)

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ps! My Valentines special is still going on! Feel free to email me with any questions :)

Have a lovely day!
-Emmy Lou

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